April 1st, 2023

Allison Blumenthal

On April 1st, oneAtelier participants had a chance to look closely at ten years of Allison Bumenthal’s paintings, drawings, and sculptures at her studio in the 20ème arrondisment of Paris. We had a great discussion and look forward to returning in the future to continue the conversation with her!

Allison’s recent exhibits include solo shows at the Manoir Mouthier in 2022 (curated by artist Frédéric Houvert) and Tipping on a Wire at Julio, Paris (2020), plus group shows at Galerie Valentin in Paris in 2022 (curated by artist and poet Hugo Pernet), Galeria Luis Adelantado in Valencia, Spain, 2022 (curated by artist Camila Oliveira Fairclough), M. David & Co. in Brooklyn, NY, 2022 (curated by Jennifer Samet and Michael David), Désordre des possibles with Julio, Paris, 2021.


Marie-Aimée Fattouche - May 9th, 2023